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Enchanting Batik "Surabaya"

04 Oct 2016
Banner Enchanting Batik Enchanting Batik "Surabaya"

 Who doesn't know batik ? 

This masterpiece of Indonesian art now is known worldwide. Not only common people wears batik but  popular people also loves batik.

In celebrating Batik Day (October 2, 2016), Miracle Surabaya invites you to join “Enchanting Batik” event on October 11, 2016 from 10 AM to 1 PM. Draw your own Batik using soft-material scarf, get Miracle Goodie Bag worth 350k, certificate by Rumah Batik Jawa Timur, and also bring your batik home!

Reach us for more information: 

0857 4941 0500

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