Sub - Brow Blepharoplasty
A sub-brow blepharoplasty procedure is performed to correct the drooping condition on the side of the upper eyelid. The eyelids will appear more symmetrical, lifted and increase the harmonization on the face.
- Decreased skin on the mid to lower face
- Deep crease on lower eyelid
- Sagging skin on the jaw or neck
- Loss of muscle mass and sagging of the midface
- Excess skin and deep creases on the neck
Breast Implant
Aesthetic surgical procedures aim to increase breast volume using implants with materials that are clinically proven safe to use (silicone breast implants). In ideal conditions, fat can also be used to increase breast volume (fat transfer).
Breast Lift
Actions to tighten the breast, can be done alone or done in conjunction with a breast implant procedure. The goal of this procedure is to improve the shape of the breast projection which sometimes needs to be combined with a volume enhancement (implant) procedure.
Breast Reduction
Aims to reduce breast size in some people who have problems with back pain due to too large breast volume